Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Message from Matt Lockett of Bound4LIFE

To the pro-life remnant in America,

I'm sure this email finds many of you still trying to process and make sense out of last week's election. No doubt there are more questions today than answers. If you're like me, then you've been looking for responses from Christian leaders to help understand where we are today. Please bear with me as I attempt to construct thoughts regarding what has happened and what it means for Bound4LIFE and the pro-life movement.

First of all let me express my sincere gratitude to all those that have followed through with their vows concerning prayer for the ending of abortion, voting for pro-life candidates and obeying God when it comes to compassion and justice. I believe the Life Band represents something larger than any of us realize right now. It helps us align with God's heart and purposes in the earth, and we can never go wrong following this simple path. As always God has moved through a remnant to make his will known.

It has become quite clear that the majority of the American Church has chosen to promote pro-abortion agents and pro-death policies. I believe God is grieved over these choices. It was within our ability to propel life-saving efforts for the unborn and plead the cause of the helpless, but because we have rejected that sacred responsibility I believe judgment will begin with the house of God. I also believe it will cost us dearly. Some will be tempted to dodge their culpability declaring "Well, it happened so it must have been God's will all along." This would be flawed thinking in the extreme. To quote Dutch Sheets, "Too much emphasis on God's sovereignty and we're worthless; too little and we're hopeless."

A rule of thumb that I have embraced is "A casual approach to the prophetic word will produce casualties." In this case, the cry for "change" was greater than the cry for "mercy." We have asked for a king, and a king has been given to us. We will now collectively drink from this cup, and concerning the pre-born children the casualties are quite literal. Today we find ourselves standing knee deep in the blood of 50 million children asking God to bless us and fix our economy. So still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether".

The responsibility lies with the Church. We are supposed to lead the way; we are to be the head and not the tail, and we will be forced to live with the consequences of our choices. Please forgive me if this sounds overly harsh. My intent is not to accuse; instead it is for us to accept responsibility. After all the Church is the hope of the world.

Now is the time for God to work repentance in our hearts; deep repentance on behalf of a confused Church and wayward nation. We should all review Daniel 9 as a model for this. May God do a quick work in us and restore us to our proper place. The scripture remains just as true today as it did before the elections, "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." (2 Ch 7:14)

If I learned anything during this campaign, it was how powerful it can be when a people that feel disenfranchised from government mobilize at the grassroots level around a singular, unwavering message. As we pick ourselves up from this moment and move forward let us not depart from the place of intense prayer and fasting. God has driven us here for a reason, and it must continue. We are all in the School of Prayer now. God is bringing forth a revolutionary prayer movement in the earth, and it is still in its infancy. The Church must learn and embrace that the prayer meeting is the governmental center of the universe. Not only does prayer directly effect change for God's purposes, but we should also expect an explosion of creativity if we will remain focused in the place of prayer.
  • Creativity for new pro-life strategies
  • Creativity for public policy
  • Creativity for unity and mobilization
  • Creativity for shifting culture through media
  • Creativity for adoption reform
Our prayer mandate remains the same: "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone--for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth." (1 Ti 2:1-4)

Moral authority is on our side. Abortion and the pro-death culture is heavily entrenched in the American psyche. The blood of the innocent has fueled the demonization of our culture for nearly 36 years. That is no excuse, however, to give up or even slow down now. On the contrary let us double our efforts and continue to face the giant that dares to mock the armies of the living God. Yes, we have lost an important battle. Yes, our efforts have experienced a great setback. Yes, the days ahead will be difficult to say the least. But history reminds us that the light of revelation can dawn on even the most difficult of social evils--slavery. Decade after decade passed while God relentlessly raised up voices for righteousness ultimately aligning the nation to His divine will.

There is good reason to think that without the steady drumbeat of Christian
condemnation from the abolitionist preachers, there would never have been
sufficient antislavery sentiment--to say nothing of antislavery interest--to
enable the nation finally to go to war over the issue. Equally important, there
might never have been sufficient antislavery preaching if not for the tireless
evangelizing of such abolitionists as Charles Finney and his protégé Theodore
Weld, who successfully targeted, among their many audiences, young college
students who would, they knew, be the nation's future leaders. From town to town
they went...at every stop bringing their message that slavery was contrary to
the Gospels. Until, finally, people came to believe it.

Stephen L. Carter, God's Name in Vain

President-Elect Barack Obama has stated that "culture wars are just so 90's and their days are growing dark.' Let our posture reflect that we are just beginning and that we will not give up on America and the next generation. We will continue to pray for this President, Congress and Supreme Court and then for those that come after them. Let the government of earth know that God has already installed His King on His holy hill.

Continuing to strike the arrows (2 Ki 13:17-19),

Matt Lockett
Executive Director
Bound4LIFE Intl.

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